Upcoming Events for February 2024
Heya lovelies! It's already February, and holy moly, I am excited, because so many things are going on this month! First off, this whole month is Black History Month, which of course is a day longer this year thanks to it being a Leap Year! (Happy Birthday to all the Feb 29th babes out there, by the way!) This month also has Lunar New Year, Valentine's Day, President's Day (for my US peeps), and Pokémon Day. I'm also going to be vending at three different events in the next few weeks as an art vendor, and I'm preparing lots of new merch for each of those. ^_^

First up, is an event that's just around the corner, the Kira Kira Collectibles Lunar New Year Anime Fest! Hosted at The Korean Rose in Tucson, Arizona, this event runs from 2pm to 8pm. I'd hoped to have a cool new sticker design in by then, but it's looking like it might arrive to me the same day as the amrket, or possibly after. And unfortunately the event is too far to make it to me in time, since I'll be driving from Phoenix down to Mesa. However, hopwfully The address for the shop and event is 6119 E Speedway Blvd, Ste 102, Tucson, AZ 85712

Second is the Tempe Night Market, on February 10th, which is also the same day as the Lunar New Year! However, this event will be a Valentine's themed "Lovers Night", so come share in the love, and celebrate both holidays with us! It is happening at the CenterPointe Plaza at 660 S Mill Ave from 5-10pm.

Third but not last is Moe Moe Pop-Up's Valentine's themed event, Be Moe Moe Mine. Also hosted at The Korean Rose in Tucson, Arizona, this event runs from 2pm to 8pm as well. I'll have at least one new sticker there- maybe more if I can order more ASAP! ;P
Oh, and although I am not currently slated to vend there, there is an event on the 18th that I'd also like to give a shout out to Pawmart Pop-Up because I would like to attend, and also hope that they do the event in the future so that I could hopefully get another chance to apply. It sounds like a super duper adorable event, so be sure to stop on by if you happen to be in the area that weekend.
That's All! For Now...
I'll have more blogs and news coming later this month, so stay tuned for more updates. ^_^
~Momo Kariño