Momo Kariño Designs was founded in 2022, but Momo is not new to the art world. She is a cosplay veteran of 15 years, and a seamstress & apparel designer. When it comes to art, though, she has been drawing for fun for over 20 years! She has a minor in art and design, and a Bachelor's of Science in Apparel Design. Her experience as an artist include being an illustrator, graphic artist, technical designer, and lead pattern maker. Additionally, she served as a teacher assistant for the Fashion Illustration course at Purdue University while earning her degrees.
Some of her published illustrations include working on The Exponent, the leading newspaper at Purdue University. She also has had her art printed in convention program guides, such as for RamenCon, and designed the logo, tickets, and program book for the 2014 Purdue Fashion Show. Momo went on to design several other logos, such as one for
the Purdue Anime Club, and of course, all of her own cosplay and art logos as well! Her art has been featured on many the official social media pages of brands such as Neopets, DeviantArt, and more!
She has worked as a store hostess at Disneyland, Joann Fabric, Kohl's, and Charming Charlie, even going on to be hired on as an assistant manager for Charlotte Russe. In addition to her experience working brick and mortar retail, she has also promoted & sold for booths such as Funimation and Cosgear. On top of all of that, she has run several of her own e-commerce shops, such as with Etsy, Society 6, Red Bubble, and of course, her own shop here! Whether it be in the art world, cosplay world or "real" world, Momo brings a world-class level of engaging, upbeat interaction.
Professional Philosophy
Momo became closely involved with conventions and the geek community as a way to give back to a group that has shown her over a decade's worth of valuable lessons, and become like family to her. Be it through conventions or online, she is always eager to collaborate with those that share the same goal. Momo subscribes to five core values, and infuses these ideals into every aspect of her life. They are to:
Lead by Example, Embody Kindness, Advocate for Accessibility,
Fight for Diversity and Representation, and Support the Community

Design Offerings
•Anime, chibi style
•Animals, furry, etc.
•Cartoons, caricatures
•Storybook and children's
•Portrait and figure drawing
•Scenery and landscapes
•Technical design, pattern design
•Fashion and costume design
•Sublimation, DTG, and POD design
•Home decor and interior design
•Set design and staging
•Photography and photo editing
•Print media, online guides, etc.
•Slideshows and presentations
•Logo and brand design
•Vector and graphic design
•Visual merchandising
•Typography, marketing design
Media and Programs
•Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom, and InDesign
•Procreate for iPad
•CapCut for iPhone and iPad
•Nomad Sculpt, Sketch Up
•3DS Max
•DSLR digital photography
•Cricut Design Space
•Style CAD for apparel design
•Google, Microsoft, and iMac office suites and apps
•Pencil, pens, charcoals
•Colored pencils, markers
•Oil pastels, chalk pastels
•Acrylic paint, spray paint, air brush
•Heat transfer vinyl, sublimation
•Sewing, embroidery, crafts, dyes
•Resin casting, beadwork, jewelry
•Modeling clay

Artist Table - Past Conventions
•IsshoCon, Jan 2025: Artist Alley Table 29
•Arizona Fur Con, Oct 2024: Dealers Den Table 22
•Saboten Con, Sep 2024: Artist Alley Table A13
•Saboten Con, Sep 2024: Artist Alley Table A13
•UwU Con, Oct 2023: Cosplay Guest, Cosplay & Art Table
•Arizona Fur Con, Oct 2023: Dealers Den Table 22
•Saboten Con, Sep 2023: Artist Alley Table A13
•Game On Expo, Aug 2023: Artist Alley Table #234
•Anime Central, May 2023: Artist Alley Table
•TsumiCon, Mar 2023: Sleepi Cosplayer, Booth Promoter, and Assistant, with a Shared Cosplay & Art Table
•Kikori Con, Mar 2023: Artist Alley Table A03
Gallery of Artist Tables at Cons

Past Markets, Pop-Ups, & Mini Events
•LibCon West, Dec 2024: Cosplay Guest, Cosplay & Art Table
•Otaku Hallyu Market, Nov 2024: Artist Alley Table
•Tempe Fan Con, Jan 2024: Cosplay Guest, & Artist Table
•Asian Festival, Jan 2024: Artist Alley Table
•LibCon West, Dec 2023: Cosplay Guest, Cosplay & Art Table
•Ganbatte Mini Con, Jul 2023: Guest Cosplayer,
Cosplay & Art 10x10 Booth with Free Selfie Station
•UwU Nights, Jul 2023: Guest Cosplayer, Cosplay & Art Table
•Ganbatte Mini Con, April 2023: Cosplay Guest & Art Table
•KiraKira Collectibles Cherry Blossom Festival, Mar 2023:
Artist Table
•UwU Con Pop-Up Event with Olympus Games, Mar 2023:
Cosplay Guest, Cosplay & Art Table
•Ganbatte Matsuri, Dec 2022: Artist Table and Cosplay Guest
•KiraKira Collectibles Anniversary, Dec 2022: Artist Table
•CosSwap Mart, Nov 2022: Artist Table
Gallery of Artist Tables at Events

Other Booth & Event Experience
•AnimeBooks.com at TaiyouCon, Jan 2024: Sales, customer service, set up-and tear-down
•AnimeBooks.com at Ani-Con, Jul 2023: Sales, customer service, set up-and tear-down
•AnimeBooks.com at Phoenix Fan Fusion, Jun 2023: Sales, customer service, set up-and tear-down
•AnimeBooks.com at Anime Arizona, May 2023: Sales, customer service, set up-and tear-down
•Cosgear at Fan Expo Canada, Aug 2022: Cosplayed, modeled, and promoted Cosgear products to convention goers
•Viz Media at Anime Expo, Jul 2016: Booth Ambassador, and Official Sailor Mars Cosplayer for launch of Sailor Moon S
•Funimation at Anime Boston, May 2013: Booth Ambassador, Official Michiko Cosplayer for U.S. premiere of Michiko to Hatchin
•Funimation at Anime Central, May 2013: Booth Ambassador and cosplay brand representative

Examples of Published Works
Woops! I accidentally deleted the photos of my published works while editing my website. Tragically, they were uploaded directly from my old computer, which is incapable of powering on properly, so it may take some time to extract the files to re-upload them.
In the meantime, past published art includes creating illustrations, graphics, and photo cut-outs for the Purdue Exponent. I also designed and arranged for print the tickets and program books for the 2014 Purdue Fashion Show.
I have also had the honor of designing some art for various conventions, which was published in their programming booklets. Such events include Ramen Con, Sugoi Con, and more. My art has also been shared and posted on social media by brands such as Neopets.